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What I Do Best


To become a brand, it has to be UNIQUE. It’s my job to give your brand a new recognition so that people can connect with it. Let’s not follow the style and ideas of competitors.

Web Designing

A website that describe your business best. It is the digital address in virtual world and that describes its necesacity. I design website that will grow your business.

integrated seo

The integrated SEO helps users to find your website on web browsers. This is as important as having a website. If your website is not ranking in search results, knock here.


Online advertising

Ad can be magical for your business as it can reach a very wide audience in just a matter of days. I will run ads for your business after a deep consultation and research. The ad is only effective if it brings business. I am here for that.


Even our body needs it. Technology changes very fast so we need to keep our website ready to adapt all future changes. I keep a regular check for my client’s websites for updates or any other required change so that your money making machine keeps on running.

Growth Hacking

To grow your business you would need traffic to your website. I will get into your business and define a stretegy that will get you more visits, leads, customer and even sales. This is one of my favourite.

R. Kaushik

Its been around three years since I started to work on the concept of digital marketing. Blogging, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Social Media Management, Advance SEO, I have tried my hands on all these gigs.

But the idea was always there to offer branding services to small businesses, freelancers, and influencers. And, it starts right with website creation because if you want to bring your business online, then this is the first milestone.

I did my MBA in Marketing so I have a fair idea of how branding works. Currently, I am in a regular 9 to 5 job. I am putting my extensive efforts to make an online presence so that I can say goodbye to the job and focus on just the branding and web designing services.

If you hesitate to land me our dream website project, I will say just this. Your website matters more to me than it matters to you because being a freelancer, this is my utmost priority to offer the desired results to the client.

Customer satisfaction always pays back and it is the ultimate target. And that is how I intend to convert this freelancing gig into a full-time business.



You might hesitate to handover your website project to me. These questions will clear your doubts.
Why should you hire me?

A very valid question. I do not have stats to show on my website. I believe that is the exact reason to hire me. I am here to establish myself as a global digital marketing service provider and my initial clients are like gold to me. An honest review from a client is far better than a paid ad. At this stage, it is not about money, it is about an achievement for me. 

What are the timelines for website and branding services?

For a website, time duration may vary from 2 to 4 weeks depending on the nature of the business. However branding will take more time as it is an ongoing process. Once your website is ready, I will keep checking on performance stats and will offer necessary changes in social media strategy or website related content. 

Do I need technical knowledge to update website later once it is handed over to me?

I will make it easy for you. I will provide you necessary training which will be useful to update content on your website. You wil not need to come back to me for small changes like blog posting, image uploading, themes and pluggins update etc. This training will also include basic SEO for your blog posts.

Do you provide after sale services like complete maintenance of websites?

Yes I Do!

Website maintance package is something that will come handy here. For clients who might not get time to update or manage their website, I will take the full responsibility and will make sure that the website is running smoothly with 99.99% uptime. But that comes with an additional cost.

Do you also create content for your clients?

Content creation is real challange as it should be able to drive traffic to a website via organic search. But this will be a long and time taking process. We have to keep updating original and quality content with focused keywords for better results. Google/Bing bots will index a website continously for fresh content. Count me in on this. But here you will need to be patient with the results. SERP ratings are something everyone wants.

How much it will cost me?

A simple portfolio website will cost your $199. Further added requirements will take the charges upwards. But still, I have set reasonable pricing for my clients as I mentioned, this is not about money, it is all about establishing myself as a global digital marketing service provider. So grab the offer when it is hot. Please check my pricing section for details information.

Get In Touch

Rajiv K.

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