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How Can I Get Free Traffic to My Website?

by Feb 2, 2022

There are ways to increase traffic to your website. You need to identify and implement a few of them understand how useful it can be.

I will narrate free sources of traffic generation. Usually, a combination of both, free and paid, is used to drive the audience to a website for best results.

Free Traffic Sources or Organic Traffic Sources:

Organic traffic is where we don’t have to pay to get the audience. It is completely free and offers the best results. When we search for something on the internet, we tend to click on the first few results only. Not the top results on the page as the top three results are always paid ads. But after these ads there will be links to pages or websites. We click those links and move to a certain webpage. Now that website does not have to pay at all for this.

1. SEO Integrated Website and Webpages

If you have a website or planning to have one, please make sure each page and post is integrated with SEO. You will need to do some research here. Find keywords that are related to your products or services and use those keywords in meta text, description, heading for sure.

Check this image. As I am updating this blog post on my website, Yoast SEO is telling me that the keyword “get free traffic” is not a good one. I need a better keyword.

When a crawler crawls your website, it saves a copy in its database. For each search term on the internet or let’s say on Google, Google will check its database and display best-matched results. If your content is authentic and well written and carries those keywords, chances are very high that it will be there in search results on google. And Bingo, there you have your free traffic.

There are many tools available that can help you to find keywords for a particular niche.

2. Social Media Platforms

Check this image first. I searched it while writing this point.

Social media platforms can be used as great sources to drive traffic. Recent stats shows that social media is accounted for 31% of all referral traffic and this is a huge percentage. Imagine this amount of traffic routed to your website, results will mesmerize you.

But how do we do it?

Follow these steps:

  • Create account on social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Quora, Pinterest, Reddit and few more to count if you use them.
  • Make a schedule to post regular content on these platforms.
  • Quora, Pinterest and LinkedIn are more friendly in terms of driving traffic so focus on these 3 platforms (personal choice)
  • Expand your circle and connect with likewise influencers and tag them in your posts. This increase chances of engagement on posts
  • Keep an eye on dashboard – how your posts are performing like impressions, clicks or action.
  • Have social media sharing options on your posts so that if users find it useful, they can share it on their social network.
  • Keep engaging audience with questions and suggestions. Like and revert to their comments. People will feel more connected with your brand

I am sure you have seen a lot of viral posts of these platforms. Yours can be viral too. Start it doing today and let it work for you.

Backlinks may be less effective in providing direct traffic but what it can do, it can increase your domain authority. If your domain authority is high, then google will show more trust on your site and your posts will be ranked higher.

How do we get backlinks –

  • Ask you network to provide backlink. This can be vice versa – give and take
  • Ask for guests posts in your network
  • Try to offer backlinks in your posts to other bloggers so that they can return the favor
  • Try directory submission

If you can get backlinks from a website that has higher domain authority than your website, it will be considered as more valuable. So find out ways to get more of them. But make sure you don’t buy them.

4. Facebook Groups

Facebook and offer crazy traffic to a website. That’s true. Use it more like a discussion forum where you share valuable content like links of your latest blog posts. Try to build a base and give some insight about the post so that before clicking on such posts a user would know what he is getting from it.

Facebook groups are just like communities where people will discuss their feedback and reviews about your content. Keep it engaging.

5. Email Lists

Next time you visit a post and you see a popup asking to submit your email id for a newsletter or a free copy of some ebook, you will notice why it is there.

Email list building one of the most shout out medium to retain the audience. For an example, if I am submitting my email to a website, that means I like its content and want to get more from it. Now you, as the site owner, would send me email alerts for your next posts. Chances are very high that I will open the email and click on the link provided in it.

It is not limited to the blog posts. If you sell any kind of service or products, keep sending your offers that a potential customer would like.

Free sources of traffic are valuable in nature but here what you have to invest is your time. I understand a lot of people are not able to assign the required amount of time needed to get desired results. That’s where I can help you.

I offer personalized services for people who want to make money online. It starts with a website and then-

  • A website that describes your business well
  • Keyword analysis considering your niche
  • On page SEO
  • SEO integration for web pages and posts
  • Regular site updates with content and maintenance
  • Weekly Blog posts
  • Social Media Strategy

You can subscribe for annual plan and leave your website to me. I will take care of your business as a digital marketing consultant and make sure you get enough business.

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