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Freelancing Ideas to Start With

by Oct 22, 2020

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Freelancing is working from the corner of your balcony, or your couch while watching your favorite movie. Getting into freelancing may be tricky in the beginning because one has to put extensive efforts to establish a reputation with quality work. Secondly, what would you like to do as a freelancer, or what kind of service you will offer? Besides, there are already so many freelancers in almost every niche, how would once differentiate from others.

This article is going to help you understand the scope of freelancing. I am publishing this after a good research. There are a few of the high paying freelance services, one can offer online.

1. Freelance Graphics Designing

Investment – $0 to $100

Monthly Earning Potential – $500 or more

If you like to draw or design then you can sell graphics designing services as a freelancer. Even if you are not good with Adobe Illustrator, you still can draw beautiful designs with online free tools like Canva. This does not require a high skill set. There is so much to offer as a graphics designer. There are so many opportunities to explore here. Once you step in, you can design so many things other than simple graphics. These are the services a graphics designer can offer.

  • Adobe Photoshop editing – Photo editing, photo enhancement, retouching, website mockups, image optimization,
  • Designing Logos and icons
  • Posters and book covers
  • Infographics
  • CAD engineer
  • Vector and graphics
  • Banner Ad designing
  • Facebook cover or post designing
  • Brochures, leaflets, and business cards designing
  •  T-shirt designing

How to Start

As mentioned, you can offer so many services as a graphics designer. Start with one or two options first like images and vectors. With little investment, create a website If possible. Highlight your designs on your website and your social media accounts as well.

Be consistent with your posts on social media to get attention from the viewers. Once you start getting customers you can always move into other niches. Other than skills, you will also need creativity while designing. Please ensure that your designs stand out of the crowd so that you can attract more customers and that will result in more earning potential.

2. Freelance Web Designing or Development

Investment – $0 to $100

Monthly earning Potential – $1000 or more

If you already have a business, small or medium, but you do not have a website for the same, then you are not in the game. Website help to portray a professional image for every business. Even for individuals, having a website is an added advantage. For example, here we talked about being a freelance graphic designer.

Now suppose you have a website where you can list your work or samples in different categories and libraries so that the people who visit your space can see your brilliant work in detail. Besides, you will notice an increased customer conversion rate.

WordPress Web Designing as a Freelancer – Benefits

Everyone wants a website but not everyone can create one due to lack of time or interest. So normally, people would like to approach a specialist. There is a very good earning potential Even if you start with $200 per website, you can easily make over a thousand dollars every month. That is just the beginning.

For designs that are more complex and with more experience you can charge more for your work. This is just for the website. There are also some additional earning options here.

  • You can build your themes and sell them in the marketplace
  • Similarly, you can design premium plugins to sell
  • Offer maintenance services for websites
  • Promote domain and hosting services to potential clients to earn extra bucks with affiliate links
  • Make more money with content creation

Therefore, you see several added features help in making more money along with website designing.

How to Start

Start approaching customers on social media like Facebook. On Facebook, there are so many business pages, and groups created with thousands of followers. Post your pitch there without any cost. Try to create templates for different business categories like photography, blogging, yoga, gym, educational, academy, or anything you can think of.

Take screenshots of these templates and share them on social media and your website. You can also post FB ads as you can reach more crowd with lower investment.

However, keep the option for advertising aside for the moment because my motive is to help you make more money with little or no investment. Also, you can meet people with small businesses in person and explain to them a website.  Ask your clients to post a few good words to authenticate your work.

3. Freelance Writing

Investment – $0

Monthly Earning Potential – $700 or more

This one is my favorite. You can write about anything. This freelance gig offers seamless opportunities. On freelance platforms like Fiver, you can see experienced writers charge around $100 for a thousand words article. With that rate, if you can write even ten articles per month, then a thousand dollars will be there in your account to ease your life.

Besides, trust me, once you are on it, it will take hardly 3~5 hours to write a thousand words post. This duration also includes the amount of time invested in research. Let me sum up the services freelance writers have to offer.

  • Articles for magazines, online journals, newspapers
  • eBook writing for businesses
  • E-Courses
  • Stories and short stories
  • Copywriting services
  • Editing
  • Blogging
  • Guest blogging for Product descriptions or reviews
  • Proofreading

Each option on the list can pay you enough if you put your time into it.

How to Start

 When it comes to writing, you do not need to invest right at the start. You can start writing on your phone also. First, choose the niche wisely based on your understanding or interest. The part where you need to focus on is the quality of the content and the grammar. For grammar, Grammarly is very useful.

It’s free version is enough for beginners However, its premium version is far more advance. You can use that later when you start earning.

Go through a few articles online, make notes, and mark keywords. Now choose 2-3 targeted keywords and write your content around it.  If you use keywords properly, (this is concerning blogging),your post can be listed on SERP. 

Initially, your client may ask you for frequent revisions. With time and experience, you will be able to master the art of writing as per your niche.

4. Freelance Social Media Manager

Investment – $0 to $100

Potential Monthly Income – $1000 or more

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest are some famous know social media platforms used by billions of people. You can find business pages for all the businesses, companies and influencers. Influencers and companies often look for freelance social media managers to handle their social media accounts instead of hiring a full-time employee. A social media manager handles these tasks.

  • Identify the target audience and try to engage with it with the help of posts and advertisement
  • Posting on different social media accounts (multiple posts per day)
  • Replying to comments on posts
  • Replying to inbox messages
  • Sharing any upcoming event or promotional activity
  • Content creation
  • Generating more and more traffic to the pages or accounts
  • Creating brand awareness across different social media channels
  • Brand reputation management
  • Converting followers into customers

So you see this is a challenging job. You will need skills to manage ahead of time. The best part is, there are so many online tools available to help you. Those are paid tools though but will offer great help, easing your work up to great extent. 

Related – How to Become Social Media Manager?

How to Start

You need to choose a niche first. Then target a few influencers or businesses you want to work with. Share your content with them. It can be images or posts created for a particular brand or a product. Be consistent in your approach. Remember, getting your first customer is always difficult. So this may take time.

Another option to reach customers is, create Facebook ads, and target all such influencers and business pages. The third option is to post your content in groups like Facebook groups for business owners, or freelancers.

You will also need a social media calendar to manage your work. There are many different top-rated online tools, offering such services. From a single page, you can post on across all platforms. It is advisable to use them. Hootsuite, Social Pilot, Buffer, Sprout Social are some of the widely used tools.

Either of them should be available on a monthly subscription basis. Please take note that this can be turned into a very high paying gig if managed well.

5. Freelance Social Media Marketing Manager

First thing first, do not get confused with social media manager vs social media marketing manager. Both are different kind of jobs.

The primary motive of all businesses is to reach more and more customers. More customers mean more money. To reach more customers companies need marketing strategies. You can offer marketing services to small businesses and influencers. Marketing is not complete without advertising.

Here you would need core knowledge of marketing strategies, target audience, customer behavior, etc. This job requires a medium to high skill level. You will also get the returns accordingly.

You must have seen, some big companies doing market research before launching any product. As a social media marketing manager, there are certain tasks you need to perform before actually pitching your product to the customers. So all those activities are summed up here.

  • Market Research to understand the consumer
  • Preparing a questionnaire for market research
  • Keyword research for SERP listing
  • Email marketing template creation to reach a larger audience
  • Brand promotion
  • Generate traffic to the websites and sales page
  • Social media content creation and editing
  • Create forms for lead generation
  • Create a customer feedback form
  • Customer engagement via posts on social media accounts
  • Run online ads like FB ads, Google Ads, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads
  • Writing reviews about the products
  • Create a content strategy

As I said, this gig would require skills. But even for a fresher, it is not that hard. With little learning, you can do it. There are so many e-courses available for everything you want to learn.

How to Start

I suggest starting with Facebook. On Facebook, you can create a questionnaire and share it with the audience to fill the answers. This will help you create an understanding in a real-time scenario. Later go for Facebook ads so that you can understand how to choose the target audience in online advertising. For this particular gig, you cannot just start looking for customers directly.

First, you have to build your knowledge base around it. Try to create ads for your posts. “Business Suite” another app from Facebook will help you understand the audience engagement stats. When you start getting good hits on your posts, then you can share the same on your social media accounts. This will help you earn your initial customers.

At first, you have to invest in it so that later you can ripe the benefits. Again, I am mentioning here, this job requires commitment and initial investment, and a zeal to learn. Honestly speaking, you can earn as much as you want from advertising services. And later you can also set up your advertising agency.


There are hundreds of ways to earn money online. Before pitching your skills to the customers, you need to learn those skills. Or if you already have little knowledge about it, then please sharpen it because there is always room for improvement.

Please dig out all the details about the niche you want to get into as a freelancer. Because when you invest time, energy, and money in it and try to reach your first customer, that phase may be a little demotivating.

It may take time to get your first few customers. Don’t lose heart. Nobody wants to pay a fresher in the market because there is a risk involved. So keep learning and do not hesitate to experiment with different approaches to convince a customer.

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